Friday, February 23, 2007

Carlton's log, day 3, Year of the Pig

add to sk*rt


The Pea said...

IS this the Bellagio garden? It must be it is beautifull!!

Robyn said...

aaaack. everyone keeps saying year of the pig. it's the year of the boar. boars all over are getting very insulted, over this little error.

i know, i know. no big deal. just one of those little quirky things that make me go aaaack. not picking on you s'mee I've heard it on the radio for weeks.

S'mee said...

Pea, yup, and yup! It's breathtaking! We also strolled down to Mirage and they too had several botanical displays for the year of the....

Chronicler....boar. Thanks.